Uncluttered Professional Organizing Blog
Getting Organized for the New Year | Uncluttered

Getting Organized for the New Year

I bet you’ve started thinking about all the things you’ll tackle in the new year, and I bet there’s a chance January is still going to sneak up on you. Does anyone know where the time goes between Christmas and New Year’s?

I’ve found the best way to stay on track heading into a new year is by celebrating what I’ve accomplished and scheduling time to look ahead. Here are three activities to help you get organized for January:

Plan for fun.

Every year I sit down and pick three things on my life list to do in the next year. I call it my life list instead of my bucket list because I don’t plan on dying any time soon. The list includes things that I’ve wanted to do for years or things I think would be fun. I don’t want to wait until I retire. I want something to look forward to every year, so the first thing I do is plan to have fun.

Getting Organized for the New Year | Unclutterednw.comWrite out your goals.

I write down what I want to achieve both personally and professionally. The list includes projects I want to get done on the house and personal goals like scheduling weekly date nights with my husband. My goals aren’t limited to the numbers in my business, although I write those down too.

Get your files ready.

Pulling all my business files from the previous year helps me start fresh in January and makes it easier to finish my taxes on time. I don’t have to worry about the last-minute rush or go searching for missing paperwork. Everything is already in one place and ready to be submitted.

Every year I sit down and pick three things on my life list to do in the next year. I call it my life list instead of my bucket list because I don’t plan on dying any time soon.

These things can all be completed in the week between Christmas and New Year’s, which is usually when I take time off, but none of them take large blocks of time. Spending a few minutes or a few hours can make all the difference in being able to hit the ground running in January.

If you need some extra help getting ready for the year ahead, send me an email at Linda@Unclutterednw.com and let’s talk about what’s on your mind.

Linda Deppa

Linda Deppa has seen more clutter than you could make in your lifetime - and found a place for all of it.

As a Certified Professional Organizer, Linda has helped hundreds of clients experience the joy that comes from reclaiming their space, and the relief of bringing their shoulders down from their ears when they realize they no longer feel stressed walking into a cluttered home or office.

Linda’s success in working with clients goes beyond her ability to organize their possessions. Her own life experiences, including a life-altering car accident, gives her a deep desire to help each of her client’s live life to the fullest. What starts as an organizing project with Linda often leads to mindset shifts that impact other areas of their lives.

Linda is a member of the National Associate of Productivity and Organizing Professionals and current President, past Vice President, Treasurer and Membership Director of the Seattle-based NAPO chapter.

A skilled presenter and motivational speaker, consider hiring Linda to speak at your next conference or event. Contact Linda via email: linda@unclutterednw.com

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