Uncluttered Professional Organizing Blog

Embrace Your Dreams: Creating a Life List for a Fulfilling Journey

While a lot of people have a “Bucket List” of all the things they want to do before they die, I prefer a Life List. This is because I don’t plan on dying anytime soon, but I want to make sure...

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Actionable Tips for Office Clutter | Uncluttered

Actionable Tips for Office Clutter

For many of us, paper clutter is an artifact of a busy and productive life – one that we’re quite occupied leading. We grew up in an age where keeping a hard copy of documents was necessary for our records and...

How Office Clutter Happens | Uncluttered

How Office Clutter Happens

Close your eyes and imagine your dream office – from the layout to the storage and systems in place. What sort of layout and furniture would you have? Visualize what your ideal desk would look like and what items...

Hiring the Right Organizer

Hiring an organizer can be so beneficial in many ways, but how do you know if you’re picking the right one for you? There are many people out there who offer organizational services ranging from hobbyists to...

A Little About Linda | Uncluttered

A Little About Linda

Some people fall into the career they’re in, and for some people, it was just meant to be! That is most definitely the case for Uncluttered founder and owner, Linda Deppa. From an early age, Linda has always enjoyed...

New Year, New (Organized) You! | Uncluttered

New Year, New (Organized) You!

January is almost on its way out the door, but before it goes, Uncluttered would like to provide you with some top tips and tricks to get your year off to an organized flying start! 1. Home Maintenance Essentials Check...

Packing Up Christmas | Uncluttered

Packing Up Christmas

Holiday decor makes me smile. I love the festive touches throughout my house. Taking everything down is a little bittersweet because it’s a gentle reminder that the magic of Christmas, my favorite time of the...

Five Ways to Get Organized in January | Uncluttered

Five Ways to Get Organized in January

It’s no coincidence you’re inundated with commercials touting sales on storage containers and organizing systems this time of year. January is Get Organized month. It’s when most people think about getting a fresh start...

Getting Organized for the New Year | Uncluttered

Getting Organized for the New Year

I bet you’ve started thinking about all the things you’ll tackle in the new year, and I bet there’s a chance January is still going to sneak up on you. Does anyone know where the time goes between Christmas and New...

Function Over Perfection | Unclutterednw.com

Function Over Perfection

Whether you’re considering a major home improvement project or just want your space to be more organized and functional, make sure you set an objective you can achieve. I’ve worked with clients for two decades as a...

Start Early for Photo Gifts | Uncluttered

Start Early for Photo Gifts

It might seem there’s plenty of time before the holidays, but Christmas will be here before you know it. That means now is the time to start your photo gift projects. Before you object, consider that you’re actually...

Is Paper your Kryptonite?

Every Superhero has a weakness. For Superman it’s kryptonite. For you, it might be paper. If it feels like you have everything organized and under control, except for the paper piling up on your desk or counter, you’re...

Your Kids Don't Want Old Stuff | Uncluttered

Your Kids Don’t Want Old Stuff

The significance of family heirlooms isn’t lost on you. In fact, you’ve carefully stored them away for the next generation – only to discover they don’t want them. It’s a dynamic playing out for many families as...

Collecting versus Curating | Uncluttered

Collecting vs. Curating Photos

If you have been collecting family photos, it might be time for you to curate your collection. Curating is thoughtfully combing through pictures and organizing them in a way that tells the story of your family. Photos...

Take 5 and Organize

Five minutes. It doesn’t seem like much time and yet those five minutes could be standing between you and a clutter-free space. I speak from personal experience because even professional organizers can walk past a pile...

5 Steps to Downsizing | Uncluttered

5 Steps to Downsizing

Moving and downsizing can simplify your life, but the process of getting to a more streamlined lifestyle is anything but simple. Pairing down items you’ve spent a season or a lifetime collecting can be overwhelming and...

Show Off Those Summer Photos | Uncluttered

Show Off Those Summer Photos

Backyard barbeques, family reunions, and large get-togethers are summer activities that feel a little more joyous and significant this year. Of course, you’ll be taking pictures with family and friends you haven’t seen...

Self-Care Starts With Your Home | Uncluttered

Self-Care Starts With Your Home

In the last year, our homes have served as office space, school rooms, eating areas, and entertainment hubs. Our homes have done just about everything, except make us feel at home. While you were working to accommodate...

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